General Data Protection
General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) & Privacy Notices
We are currently updating all our GDPR policies, and they will appear here when ready.
- Data Protection Policy
- Data Protection Policy Statement
- Statutory Requests for Information Policy
- Publication Scheme
- Records Management Policy
- Security Measures Policy
- Pupil Coursework
- Visitor Data
Privacy Statements & Notices
- Overarching Privacy Notice
- Child Friendly Privacy Notice
- Managing Security
- School Photos and Additional Activities
- Employee Data
- Governor Data
- Volunteer Data
- Online Payments
- Curriculum
- Employment
- Ex Students
- Marketing
GDPR Rights Guidance for Parents/Guardians
Parents’ Guide to Subject Access Request
Legacy Content
Privacy Policy For Online and Electronic Use
Holy Trinity C of E Primary School, Halstead is strongly committed to protecting the privacy of its online users: students, faculty/staff, alumnae/i, donors, and friends. We do not collect personally identifiable information about individuals — such as their names and postal and/or email addresses — except when it is knowingly provided by such individuals. We believe that maintaining privacy on the Web is very important and we hope you will read this privacy policy carefully so that you will clearly understand both our commitment to you and your privacy and our method of collecting and using information. This privacy policy only applies to transactions made, and data gathered, on Holy Trinity C of E Primary School, Halstead websites and does not apply to any other website. The terms of this privacy policy shall govern all interactions with Holy Trinity C of E Primary School, Halstead through either the School’s website or email. A link to the privacy policy can be found via the School’s home page. By using Holy Trinity C of E Primary School, Halstead’s websites, RSS feeds or communicating with the School by email, you agree to the terms of this privacy policy.
Holy Trinity C of E Primary School, Halstead uses the information you provide too fulfill your online request, facilitate customer service and inform you of our programs and events. The School never shares with third parties any personally identifiable information you provide when requesting information or making a payment online, except as required by law.
Please see our Cookie Policy page:
Emails and Newsletters
Holy Trinity C of E Primary School, Halstead regularly sends emails and newsletters to our pupils, prospective students, and subscribers. Visitors may subscribe to an email newsletter when they request information online. On occasion, the School may send emails to individuals such as prospective pupils and associates who have provided us with their email address and have opted in to receive emails, informing them of School events or classes we think might be of interest to them. Email recipients may always opt out of receiving email at any time by requesting this via email.
Emailing the School
The School tries to respond to email messages requiring a response within seven business days. If you email the School, your message and email address will be forwarded to the appropriate department within the School. The School may choose to save this information for future reference. However, any message, material, business information, ideas, concepts, or other information sent to Holy Trinity C of E Primary School, Halstead by email will be treated as non-confidential and non-proprietary.
Phoning the School
All calls to and from the school’s telephone number +44 (0) 1787 472096 are recorded for training and monitoring purposes.
Contact Information
If you have any questions regarding this privacy policy, please contact: Head teacher, ( Telephone: +44 (0) 1787 472096
Changes to Privacy Policy
Holy Trinity C of E Primary School, Halstead may revise its privacy policy at any time. We encourage you to visit this page periodically to review our current policy so that you will always know what information we gather and how we may use that information.
Update effective September 2020.
Freedom Of Information Requests
Holy Trinity Primary School is committed to openness and transparency in the provision of information to all persons or organisations who request it.
We will provide information promptly, subject to the following conditions, which are based on our duties under the Freedom of Information Act 2000:
Copies of reference documents, such as policy statements and procedural guidance will be provided free of charge or as published in our Publications Scheme which is available from the school office or on our website at
We will normally confirm within 5 working* days whether or not we hold the information you request and, if we do, we will provide it within 20 working* days. *Please note: Working days refers to term time only as contained in Statutory Instrument 3364.
Your request must be in writing (letter, email or fax) to ensure that we have a clear statement of what is requested.
In some circumstances we may withhold the information you have requested under one of the exemptions applicable under the legislation.
If you do not accept our reasons for declining to disclose the information requested you should write to the Chair of Governors at the school in the first instance. If you are not happy with their response, you may wish to contact the Information Commissioner at:
The Information Commissioners Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
SK9 5AFTelephone 01625 545700 – Helpline is open from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday
Fax 01625 524510
Whilst we will provide most information free of charge, we may charge a fee for photocopying/printing/faxing/postage of longer documents where the required information is not listed in our Publications Scheme as being available either free of charge or at a stated charge. If you ask for information in an expensive alternative format, we may charge for this, subject to legislation, such as the Disabilities Discrimination Act. (See ‘Charges’ below).
If we intend to charge for the provision of information, we will tell you in advance what the charge will be (through a fees notice) and will provide the information when we receive payment (cash or cheque). The time allowed for us to provide the information (20 working* days) does not include the period between the issuing of the fees notice and the receipt of the payment.
We may be unable to provide the information you request for any for the following reasons:
We do not hold the information
We are applying an exemption to the disclosure
It would cost the School more than £450.00 to provide the information (this figure is set by Government and is based on the work exceeding 18.5 man hours to gather the information).
If we are unable to provide the information we will do all we can to advise you as to how you might obtain the information elsewhere or in a different way to keep the cost down.
The School will seek advice from the Local Authority’s Information Governance Manager as necessary to clarify any points or to help resolve any disputes over information requests.
The general charge for photocopying, printing and faxing or emailing information as an attachment is 10p per sheet. Postage charges will be at the appropriate rate. For more substantial items, the fee charged depends on whether we estimate that it would cost more or less than £450.00 to provide the information.
In the vast majority of cases the cost will be under £450.00 and we will then charge only for photocopying, printing, faxing and postage. We may also charge for any work required to put the information into the required format, which could involve, for example:
Summarising the information;
- Putting the information onto CD, video or audio cassette;
- Translating the information into a different language.
We will not normally charge for providing information in an alternative format where this is requested on grounds of disability.